Calathea Vittata Plant: Growing, Watering, Propagating, and Much More

Are you still hovering around searching for the plant you want to grow in your house? Nothing to worry about! We will help you choose the most trending plant that many home plant growers opt for. Also, we will not only help you find the plant but will tell you the proper care tips for that plant. So, we are talking about Calathea Vittata Plant, which has so many advantages if you keep it at your home.

Interestingly, if you have pets at your place, you shouldn’t hesitate to grow the plant because it is pet friendly. The time and affection you will give this plant will come back to you in the form of a healthy growing plant. It is a wonderful plant, and if we talk about its size, it’s a medium-sized plant that you can accommodate anywhere in your house.

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How can you grow the Calathea Vittata Plant?

The Calathea family has other plants, too, that are very demanding. But the incredible calathea vittata is not so demanding and requires moderate care. Besides, the plant is not as easy to grow as it sounds. So, let’s move ahead with some serious information regarding calathea vittata. It is habitual of growing in tropical forests and jungles where it rains a lot. Yes, you read it correctly; it requires extremely high humidity.

If we talk about its leaves, they are light green with a beautiful elliptic strip. Also, these leaves are very short and grow up to about 60 cm only. Moreover, since the plant is short, they are rarely exposed to the sunlight in the jungles, so if you keep them at home as a houseplant, make sure no direct sunlight falls upon them.

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Its soil is happy with being mist and wet all the time, so it means that you need to water them every 2-3 days so that the soil does not dry out completely. Furthermore, the plant is quite sensitive and requires filtered water for watering. Means, fluoride, salts, and chlorine is not what it prefers. So, it was rightly said before that growing calathea vittata is not that easy.

You have to water the plant, but you also need to keep its beautiful and sensitive leaves away from impurities by washing them off from time to time. Make sure to trim the leaves regularly so that the damaged part of the leaf doesn’t affect the other part of the leaf.

Calathea Vittata’s Watering Requirements

As mentioned above, calathea grows in tropical forests and requires a lot of water and humidity. Water processed through filtration must be used for watering calathea vittata. Besides, if you have a short-term memory and cannot water the plant on time, you can keep a water tray beneath the pot so it can use it anytime it wants to.

However, the plant requires patience; if you don’t have patience, then do not bring this plant to your home. Of course, calathea vittata is not supposed to be soggy all the time, so only water if it is needed; otherwise, you can delay watering.

Light and Temperature Needs for Calathea Vittata

In tropical forests, there are much bigger planets than calathea vittata, so it gets only a small amount of light. It is habitual of indirect sunlight and prefers the same if you sit somewhere else. For instance, if you accidentally keep the plant under direct sunlight, its leaves will turn brown and die at once. You cannot save them after they turn brown.

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The perfect time to propagate calathea vittata is before this growing season. This means you must propagate it in March. Even if you are a beginner, you can propagate this beautiful plant. Make necessary preparations before taking out calathea vittata from its old pot. Make sure the new pot is ready with a good soil mixture. Now choose a healthy steak and cut it off to place it in the new pot. The new plant needs a lot of humidity, so it is essential to keep it in such an area of your house.


The Calathea vittata is an exceptional plant with beautiful leaves. Undoubtedly the plant is very sensitive but less demanding. Its propagation process is quite simple if you follow the steps carefully. The plant lives in a high humidity area where it rains a lot, like jungles and tropical forests.

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