Philodendron Serpens: A Beautiful Plant with Multiple Features

Is philodendron Serpens one of your favorite plants that you have been looking for so long? It is surely a must-have plant for your terrace or balcony. Its beautiful green leaves are the epitome of beauty. If you are still wondering what kind of light it prefers to grow, it is an indirect bright light that makes the plant grow healthy.

Moreover, well-draining soil is very important to nurture the plant. There must be some moisture in the soil, but too much moisture in the soil may destroy the plant. As you go ahead and read the article, you will know more about philodendron serpens.

A Detailed Guide to Caring Philodendron Serpens

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The best thing about the philodendron serpens is that it doesn’t require much of your attention and time. Moreover, you can grow this beautiful plant as per your wish, and it won’t even matter if it doesn’t get full-time attention.

Let’s have a look at some requirements from the plant:

  • Light and right location of the plant

Although philodendron Serpens need good bright light, it still doesn’t prefer being exposed to midday sunlight. An indirect bright light may work wonders for the plant. So, you can keep the plant somewhere near shades so that it not only gets proper light but is also not exposed to the scorching sun rays. If your house has north or east-facing windows, it’s better to place the plant in that location to get indirect bright light. A thin curtain may also work fine to protect your plant from direct sunlight. Also, it is advised to keep shifting the plant from one place to another so that every part of the plant gets sufficient light.

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If it doesn’t get the required amount of light, the leaves will start turning yellow. If you want to keep philodendron Serpens at your workplace, it wouldn’t be a bad idea because the plant grows exceptionally well under artificial light too. A 12–16-hour fluorescent light would nurture the plant best if you think it is not getting the required amount of light.

  • Watering

You might have a question regarding the amount of watering a philodendron Serpens needs. Watering it is not a big deal because it doesn’t require watering daily. It prefers to dump soil, so only water it if its soil becomes dry. However, before watering the plant, you can easily check its soil by inserting your finger. If the soil’s first two inches are dry, it needs watering.

If we talk about watering when it comes to seasoning, you need to water the plant in summers more frequently than in other seasons. It is because heat easily absorbs the moisture, making your plant dry faster. Also, increase the quantity of water during summers so that your plant gets a sufficient amount of water.

  • Temperature

Philodendron Serpens prefer living in warmer areas. Hence it requires a high temperature to grow smoothly. Also, these plants are habitual in tropical rainforests, and the temperature there is usually high.

The ideal temperature where you can keep it is 65°F to 85°F. Temperature below 65°F is not good for the plant, especially the freezing temperature. Moreover, philodendron serpens do not favor cold temperatures at any cost.

  • Humidity

Philodendron Serpens are fond of high humid weather. It grows healthy under high humid weather conditions. If you want the plant to grow beyond expectations, make sure it is grown in an area where humidity is around 60 to 70%.

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In Sum, the Philodendron Serpens is an indoor plant and is very popular among other houseplants. Also, it is a low-maintenance plant, so keeping it as your houseplant may be the perfect choice for you.

In whatever position you keep the plant, it will ultimately absorb moisture and light from any direction. Moreover, the dark green and heart-shaped leaves play a vital role in increasing the beauty of your plant corner.

If you are a beginner at gardening, no worries. Philodendron Serpens is easy to grow. Moreover, it needs bright indirect light to grow.

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