The Philodendron Bloody Mary Evergreen Plant Propagation, Care, and Precautions

The Philodendron bloody mary as a houseplant will surely serve your purpose. Moreover, many people opt for this beautiful plant as it is highly attractive and grabs the attention of buyers easily. This plant has two types of leaves, juvenile and mature leaves. The juvenile leaves give a burgundy shade, while the mature leaves reflect a burgundy and shade of red color.

Besides, the plant can accommodate any weather condition. It usually prefers bright indirect sunlight. But the plant tends to survive in low light as well. Spring and summers are weather conditions where the plant needs moist and wet soil between each watering session. However, in winters, the soil must be dry whenever you water the plant.

Moreover, the drooping growth of the plant makes it your favorite. Even more, the plant has reddish stems. However, if you want some hanging plants on your balcony, you can surely opt for this one as they easily form into hanging baskets and shelf pots. Notably, the plant is toxic, so keep it away from the reach of small babies and pets.

 Philodendron Bloody Mary Care

If you own a plant, you must do its proper care. Otherwise, the plant may die soon.

  • When to water the plant?

Monitor your plant once a week and insert your finger inside the pot; if half of your finger feels moisture, it means the plant does not need water. However, if the soil is barren or dry, water the plant instantly. Also, do not overwater or underwater the plant as it requires limited watering.

  • Fertilizer
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If you have recently bought the plant, you might wonder what type of fertilizer the plant will require? If you use balanced fertilizer every two to three weeks, you shouldn’t have any problems. The fertilizer must be well diluted because there are chances that it may burn sometimes.

  • Soil

Use rich while well-draining soil to prevent fungus and other plant-related issues. With the addition of some perlite, the soil’s drainage may improve. The plant goes well with a ph ranging from 5.6 to 7.5.

Philodendron Bloody Mary Propagation

Propagating will not take up much of your time. You can do it on your own, and it is very simple. Here is a guide:

  • Seeds
  • Stem cuttings and leaf
  • Stooling and mound layering
  • Air layering

Plant growth from seeds is quite a slow process. However, layering is ideal for expert growers. So, stem cutting is the best option left for people new to this plant. You can propagate the Philodendron Bloody Mary plant easily by using the stem cutting method. The best time to propagate the plant is during summers and spring.

You need to look at your plant carefully and find a healthy mature plant. Use a sharp knife or scissors to cut 5 to 6 inches of the stems very carefully. Also, pinch three leaves from the lower side of the plant to get nodes. Now insert the stem into the soil. Make sure to dig the stem as deep as 3 inches in the soil.

Precaution to take while planting Philodendron Bloody Mary

To be safe, it is always best to be cautious. Moreover, it would be best if you wear gloves during gardening. However, gloves are a must if you are planting the toxic Philodendron Bloody Mary. You never know how harmful the plant may be with direct touch.

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The evergreen Philodendron Bloody Mary plant is undoubtedly beautiful but toxic at the same time. Furthermore, it is commonly known as a houseplant. It grows best between spring and summer. However, in winter, the plant does grow but not with the same intensity.

Besides, the plant needs indirect bright sunlight, but it also grows in low lights. The plant reflects a burgundy color and shade of red too. The plant also tends to form into hanging baskets if you want your pet and babies to stay away from the toxic plant.

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